A:We Have Additional Service to Make Your Purchase Here More Valued And Satisfying!!!
1. Do you need to Pay money to Photographers for take Marketing Photos of your products ?
-We could saved this cost for you, our marketing team could do this free for you. So you could saved your money of product's photos.
We are able to offer you Photos for Marketing when your order finished, our marketing team will take photos of your products and deal with it, like white background photos and Lifestyle Photos both are okay.
2. For customized order, do you need to Pay the Designer money to make design of packaging for you?
-We could saved this cost for you, if design is not complicated, then our marketing team could according to your idea and help you to make design for your packaging and for your logo, we do thisfree for you. So you could saved your money of design.
3. We make things easy for you, our products are customers approved, and we provide replacement policy, if you got any returned products during selling that is broken then we will arrangereplacement free, and will ship with your next order together, we won't let our clients have any loss.
4. We are serious manuafacturer, we keep promise, you won't get shipment delay here, we finished production of order on time without delay.
5. We will add some free samples of our Wine &Barware accessories as gift to you and ship together with your order(no shipping cost will be added), for your test and try more products.
6. And final finished products will be same as your order requirement, there are no mistakes;